The first Gold Rush in British Columbia occurs, drawing in many Chinese men in search of their fortune.

年--不列颠哥伦比亚省 发生了第一次淘金热, 吸引了许多华人前来寻 找工作机会。

1880, May 15

Railroad construction began with Chinese labour brought in from Oregon and China.

加拿大开始修建太平洋 铁路,并从俄勒冈州和 中国引进华工

1885, July 20

The first Chinese Immigration Act is enacted into law, instating a $50 head tax on any Chinese person entering Canada.

第一部《华人移民法》 正式颁布,规定对进入 加拿大的华人征收 50 加元的人头税。


The head tax is raised to $100 after the $50 tax proves ineffective at stopping Chinese immigration.

年--在 50 加元的人头 税被证明无法有效阻止 中国移民后,人头税被 提高到 100 加元。


The head tax is raised again, this time to $500 as the previous tax has not slowed immigration. This is about two years wage of a worker at the time.

年--由于之前的加税未 能减缓移民速度,人头 税再次提高到 500 加 元。这相当于当时一名 华工两年的工资。

1907, September 7-9

A series of riots break out in Vancouver’s Chinatown when the Asiatic Exclusion League march in the city. Tens of thousands of dollars in damage is done to Chinese and Japanese owned businesses.

排亚联盟(Asiatic Exclusion League)在温 哥华唐人街与小东京发起 暴动,引发一系列骚乱。 当时华人和日本人遭受了 数万加元的损失。

1923, July 1

The 1923 Chinese Immigration Act, often called the “Exclusion Act” is passed into law, barring all immigration of Chinese people into Canada.

年--《华人移民法》(通 常称为 “排华法案”) 正式通过,除极少特例 之外,所有华人被禁止 移民加拿大。

1939, September

World War II begins, the Canadian government begins to restrict the ability for Chinese immigrants to send money home to their family, limited to $25 a month.

第二次世界大战爆发, 加拿大政府开始限制华 人移民寄钱回家,每月上限为 25 加元。


Government conscription of Chinese Canadians. Many refuse to serve, divides are created in the community on whether to fight.

年--政府征召加拿大华 人入伍。许多人拒绝服 兵役,华人社区在是否 参战的问题上产生了分 歧。

1947, May 14

Repealing of the 1923 Chinese Immigration Act.

废除 1923 年《华人移 民法》


Canada removes restrictions based on nation of origin.

年--加拿大移民政策取 消基于原籍国的限制。


Canada begins a points-based immigration model, in an effort to create a fairer immigration system.

年--加拿大开始实行计 分制移民系统,寻求更 公平的移民决定方式。