Before they went to Canada, they must, the family must have a male at home.

Albert’s Great Grandfather was a part of one of the earliest groups to immigrate to Canada from China. He had to prepare for a three month long journey by ship between China and Canada, with no way of knowing when or if he would be able to return to his family in China, so he had to leave knowing that everything was in order. As was the case with many others, he ensured that he had a male heir before leaving. He also set aside 300 silver coins, a fund for his family to live off until he could begin work in Canada and then send them more money.

The quote speaks to the horrifying uncertainty and danger lying ahead of the journey. The Great Grandfather’s fear that he might never return instilled in him the need to have a heir to carry on his family line.

  • 亚伯(Albert)的曾祖父是最早从中国移民到加拿大的人之一。当时中国和加拿大之间的旅程需要整整三个月。亚伯的曾祖父不知道自己何时或能否回到家人身边,因此离开前他不得不做好万全的打算。和其他许多人一样,亚伯的曾祖父在赴加前确立了一个男性继承人,并预留了300 枚银币。这笔钱将作为家人的生活费用,直到他可以开始在加拿大工作,并给他们寄更多的钱。

The Long Journey 长途跋涉

The journey was not easy, Albert’s Great Grandfather boarded a fishing vessel for the months long journey, they travelled with many stops to resupply the 100-ton boat. They first stopped in Korea, then Japan, Russia, up to Alaska, before finally arriving in Nanaimo. The trip was harsh, anyone who fell ill would be left at the next stop, to avoid the illness spreading to the rest of the passengers and crew. From there he travelled to Victoria to start work on the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway.

  • 亚伯的曾祖父终于踏上了开往加拿大船只,开始了几个月的长途旅行、为了给这艘重达 100 吨的船补给,他们在旅途中停靠了很多次。先在朝鲜停留,然后到日本、俄罗斯、阿拉斯加,最后到达纳奈莫。船舱条件极其艰苦,病人会在靠岸补给时被抛下,以避免疾病传染给其他乘客与船员。亚伯的曾祖父从纳奈莫辗转维多利亚,随后投身于加拿大太平洋铁路的建设工作当中。

Working on the Railroad 建设铁路

Albert and the other Chinese workers lived in the mountains, working on constructing the railroad across Canada. They had to live sparsely. If one fell ill, they made use of local herbs and traditional techniques to make medicine. Albert’s Great Grandfather had some chickens, so he was able to eat eggs with his rice on occasion, a welcome addition to an otherwise plain meal. Money was sent home to family with the occasional return trip by one worker. Normally this was a trusted friend or neighbour from their home in China who could transport the money home.

  • 为了修建横跨加拿大的铁路,亚伯的曾祖父与其他华工不得不住在遥的山区。华工们的生活条件极其简朴。如果生病了,他们只能用当地的草药结合传统中医制药工艺来治疗自己。亚伯的曾祖父养了几只鸡,所以他偶尔能吃到鸡蛋。这对原本平淡无奇的伙食来说,是一种令人欣喜的加餐。华工们会将工资交给一位工友带回家中,以支持他们在中国的家庭。这个责任重大的工友通常是可信赖的同乡故交。

Sister in front of the fort house, building built with imported materials, bought with the money that great-grandfather brought back to China.

Finding a New Job 另谋生路

After construction of the railway was completed, he was able to bring his son, Albert’s Grandfather, to Canada too, paying for his head tax with some of the money he had earned. Albert’s Great Grandfather lived in Victoria, working as a gardener for a high ranking official in the city. He lived in a small building on the property. His boss was an alcoholic, and frequently yelled at him, kicking him out several times. When he retired, he returned to his family in China, building a large and secure house to prevent any theft or kidnapping by bandits.

他学到的第一个英语单词就是‘你这个天的(God damn you)
First English word he learned was God Damn You!
  • 在加拿大太平洋铁路建成后,亚伯的曾祖父把他的儿子,即亚伯的祖父。也带到了加拿大。亚伯的曾祖父用修铁路赚来的工钱替他儿子支付了人头税,父子二人随后定居在维多利亚。曾祖父在当地的一位高官家中做园丁,并被安排住在一处小屋里。虽身居高位,曾祖父的雇主却酗酒成性,并常对他大吼大叫,甚至好几次把他赶了出去。退休后,亚伯的曾祖父回到了中国,并在家乡建了一栋安全的大房子,以防匪盗。

Developing Skills 影相馆

Albert’s Grandfather was able to have an education in China before arriving in Canada, he opened a photo studio in Victoria, B.C. Albert’s Grandfather was able to travel back and forth much more easily than his father, owing to improvements in ship technology. This upset Albert’s Great Grandfather, who was unable to go back and forth due to extremely long and dangerous journeys. Due to being able to travel back and forth, he was also able to have multiple children, as opposed to the single child that many of Albert’s Great Grandfather generation had.

  • 亚伯的祖父曾在中国接受过教育。在来到加拿大之前,祖父在家乡开设了一家照相馆。在今天,摄影随处可见。但在当时,摄影师还是一个高


Albert’s Grandfather and Grandmother with his second uncle sitting in between them. Behind, from right to left: father, mother, aunt.

Returning 归加异途

Albert’s Grandfather attempted to bring his wife to Canada during the early years of the 1923 immigration act, however, he was refused multiple times. Deciding he wanted to be with his family, he returned home to China. Albert was able to move to Canada in 1984, sponsored by his sister who had started a business in Canada some years prior, it was during these years that many other family members of his were able to come to Canada too with the help of his sister and her husband. Albert’s Great Grandfather and Grandfather could not settle in Canada due to the discrimination they faced at that time, however the third generation of the family eventually made Canada their home. Albert’s family history reflects the resilience of the Chinese Canadians.

My grandfather tried to apply for my Grandmother to come to Canada, but unfortunately at that time the Chinese exclusion act came into being.
  • 亚伯的祖父曾在1923 年《排华法案》实施初期,多次尝试将妻子带到加拿大。但他却多次被拒。最终亚伯的祖父决定与家人待在一起,为此他不得不回到中国。

    1984 年,亚伯在他姐姐的担保下移居加拿大。当时亚伯姐姐一家已在加拿大经商多年。正是在这些年里,亚伯的许多其他家人也在他姐姐姐夫的帮助下来到了加拿大。